Tuesday, December 6, 2011

today's timing

                                                        7:30 AM

Friday, November 25, 2011

Tweepsies pray for Ufiq_

Hari ini, para tweepsy melaksanakan jadwal shooting mereka .. tepatnya pada hari Jumat mulai dari jam 14.00 WITA

sadly, sutradara kita .. @Ufiq_ telah kehilangan kunci motornya !! o.O
sebagai dukungan, para tweepsy (dan juga bukan tweepsy) di twitter bersama-sama berdoa agar kunci Sang Sutradara kembali ..

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Rykaaaa .

1. When I was born, my name became Ryka Marina Walanda. But before born my mom planned it to be Anggi Karina Walanda | XD *lol

2. I've always hated my hair and my body .. | My hair : hard to keep neat and easily becomes messy | My Body : Thin, Skinny, people say I'm "kutilang" (Kurus Tinggi Langsing) 

3. I never wanted to have a little sister. when my mum was pregnant with my little brother (at that time I didn't know), i've pray almost 24/7 so it wouldn't be a baby girl .. but now, I'm starting to think twice *just kidding*

4. you can tell my mood by the situation of my room . if it's messy it means STATUS : NORMAL . but if you see my room clean STATUS : BEWARE ! *either i'm mad, upset, or sad ..

5. In 2005, I managed to count how many times I ate ice-cream in a year. The total came up to about 197 ice-creams and 89 scoops ..

6. My Bad Habits or Characteristics : I always forget where I put my motorcycle keys, I have a high octave hiccup.

7. I always try my best to reach something but it never works. Normally I would success by accident :D LOL

well, that's just me ^^

Monday, November 14, 2011

past and future !!

here's the history of my class logo .. a creative change from blue to black !



 designed By : @ufiq_

Saturday, November 12, 2011

new challenge !!!!!!!!!!

let's get ready people !!

berhubung BP (British Parlementary) Debate tidak lama lagi, Mac'D meminta bantuan dari seorang trainer untuk membantu persiapan debaters sebelum menghadapi lomba yang akan datang .. his name is Kak Cecep !!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

the piano ♥

since i am a lover of the piano , i naturally have a habit of buying anything with a picture , form, or anything that has something to do with a piano ..

here are some photos of my "piano" collection ..

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

we are the champions \^o^/

Ladies and Gentlemen,
sekali lagi, SMA Negeri Model Terpadu Madani telah menambah prestasi sekolah dengan memenangkan Lomba Cepat Tepat Fisika (LCTF).
SMA Madani mengirimkan 2 Tim untuk mengikuti Lomba LCTF tahun ini.

And Thanks God, kedua tim berhasil masuk babak final yang diadakan tanggal 8 November 2011.
Nilai Akhir Babak Final LCTF yang diikuti oleh 3 sekolah adalah sebagai berikut ::

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Back-light Photography

would you guys like to learn a new kind of photography ??
have you guys ever heard of back-light photography ??

Back-light Photography is when the lighting is behind the object/subject which will capture the situation surrounding the object/subject inside of capturing the emotion.
Back-light Photography usually expresses sad, sorrow or lonely feelings ..