Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Rykaaaa .

1. When I was born, my name became Ryka Marina Walanda. But before born my mom planned it to be Anggi Karina Walanda | XD *lol

2. I've always hated my hair and my body .. | My hair : hard to keep neat and easily becomes messy | My Body : Thin, Skinny, people say I'm "kutilang" (Kurus Tinggi Langsing) 

3. I never wanted to have a little sister. when my mum was pregnant with my little brother (at that time I didn't know), i've pray almost 24/7 so it wouldn't be a baby girl .. but now, I'm starting to think twice *just kidding*

4. you can tell my mood by the situation of my room . if it's messy it means STATUS : NORMAL . but if you see my room clean STATUS : BEWARE ! *either i'm mad, upset, or sad ..

5. In 2005, I managed to count how many times I ate ice-cream in a year. The total came up to about 197 ice-creams and 89 scoops ..

6. My Bad Habits or Characteristics : I always forget where I put my motorcycle keys, I have a high octave hiccup.

7. I always try my best to reach something but it never works. Normally I would success by accident :D LOL

well, that's just me ^^

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